A 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization


Hi All!

Happy Holidays!

I just want to let you know how much we love Cosmo (Spike). It has been about 1 year since we adopted him. It was really tough at first, especially since he was so mouthy! A lot of love and training has really helped to bring out his super sweet nature.

Melanie and Phyllis you were excellent judges of character and great support when things were most difficult. You both expressed concern about my son who was one at the time. He is so wonderful with him. Cosmo lets him climb all over him and loves it. He is so gentle with Ian because he is such a sweetie.

He is still a devil with recall but I blame myself for not working on it everyday.

Keep up the good work! Many great dogs are happy and loved thanks to all you do!

-Laurie, Paul, Emily, Ian and Cosmo :o)