A 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization


Hi there!

Lucy (formerly "Casey") is having a wonderful time with us here in CT (we are Terry and Kim and adopted Lucy almost 4 years ago - time flies when you are having this much fun).

I have attached a picture or two of her in her happy moods and modes - she really has a great time:

She has many dog friends and "plays well with others" - she lives with two felines but one (Gizmo) thinks she is a dog and they are best pals - like twins (Arnold and Danny Devito).

Anyway - just thought I'd give you a quick update and let you know how happy we are and she is and that you folks are doing wonderful work!

I have noticed your numbers of adoptions per year have jumped dramatically (and I noticed a dog named Clyde who Lucy might want as a pal, she's six as well - have to talk to my roommate regarding that but I would love Lucy to have a brother) - anyway thanks again so much.
