In Memory of Cody - My Boy
Eleven years ago, in 1993, I lost my mother. She was my best friend; I thought I was going to die alongside her. In October 1993 a friend called to ask me questions about raising a puppy. I was confused by his questions and asked what this was all about. He would only say I'd find out soon. The next day he and his parents brought me the most beautiful three-month old golden. He had purchased the pup for himself, but found he could not care for it properly. I guess I was his last resort because no one else in his family would adopt the pup. At first, I didn't think I had the capacity to care for a dog after having so recently cared for my mom. In the puppy's face, I could see love and companionship. That is how Cody entered my life and my heart. We spent eleven wonderful years together. He repaid me with undying love and a special connection. Unfortunately, Cody developed a cancerous tumor on his leg. I contacted Long Island Golden Retriever Rescue and they put me in touch with Dr. Wen, a veterinarian practicing holistic medicine. Dr. Wen was able to keep my boy alive for eleven months, far longer than other veterinarians had predicted. My boy left me on July 17, 2004, exactly one week after his birthday. His passing left a hole in my heart and in my life. I knew I wanted another golden retriever, so I registered with LIGRR just to have my form on file. I wasn't yet ready to adopt.
LIGRR called me two weeks later to ask if I would adopt a golden that had been neglected and needed a home. Needless to say, I was destroyed about Cody, but I said okay as long as the new dog didn't resemble him. After all, he was a unique boy. The new dog was short; Cody was large. The new one was honey colored; Cody was dark reddish gold. When the new golden entered my home he came over to me right away, as Cody always had. I realized Cody had sent him to me. I named him Toby. He was well-behaved from the first day, even though he had clearly been neglected. His ribs were showing; his fur had to be trimmed close because of a skin condition and worms acquired from living outside so much; he was timid. Even now sometimes when he is in the yard, if I'm not at the door when he's ready to come in, he lays down on the stoop shivering. But he's getting better every day. His fur is thick and shiny from grooming. Now he knows how to play with toys and drink water out of a dish. His appetite is excellent and he even likes my cat, Georgina.
I just want to say thank you to LIGRR. Between your help and Cody's soul, Toby and I have found each other.
Gina Marasco, Toby, and Angel Cody