1991 - 11/15/07
On November 15th my husband Bill and I endured what every pet owner dreads, the loss of a beloved companion.
Molly came to us through Long Island Golden Retriever Rescue as a senior citizen, 3-1/2 years ago, at the age of 12. She was found by a good Samaritan as she wandered the Islip R/R tracks, alone. Molly was suffering a multitude of health issues including sever pneumonia. She had apparently been homeless for quite some time. It was a miracle she survived the winter.
Bill and I have a penchant for fostering and adopting seniors and realize we will not have many years to enjoy with them. Unfortunately, this fact does not make saying good-bye, easier.
Molly was a regal lady. She was intelligent, loving and the epitome of what a golden retriever is perceived to be. Molly greeted all who crossed her path with gracious acceptance, whether it was a fellow canine, a frisky cat or a loving, out reached hand. She became a Canine Good Citizen and attended many events during the past 3 years.
Her kind and gentle personality earned her the title "The Duchess Of Terry." When attending rescue events, children and adults alike, gathered to meet her. Knowing her was a privilege, loving her, an honor.
Her house mates are confused and we are heartbroken over the loss of a very significant member of the "pack." Nothing will ever be the same, again. We will miss Molly and she will be forever be in our hearts.
Here's to you old girl, may you reign with love and respect over your new kingdom, "The Rainbow Bridge."
- Lois and Bill Hannigan - (LIGRR)